Saturday, April 26, 2014


I want to gather your pain,
hold it close to my soul-
place my breath upon,
your heart-
find your place,
to whole.
your brokenness,...
your shattering-
I want to take it,
all away-
high above the wandering clouds,
let it dissipate,
creating this empty space,
let the empty space-
be filled with love,
and all the beautiful things-
that life is made of.
I’d carry you across,
your path-
I know you must,
go through-
but know there is a light,
at the other end-
waiting for you.
you are not alone,
my heart sings-
your crying song,
out of the depths of me-
it comes,
you are my breath, my life,
my birthing from inside-
my beautiful daughter,
my loving sons.

Heart's Calling
By Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg ©


Happiness is strange .. it comes when you're not 'seeking' it. Then unexpectedly, mysteriously, happiness is there ..born of purity, of a loveliness of being. ~ J.Krishnamurti

Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.