Monday, May 7, 2018

Confession of a Recovered Mask Holder...

And the day arrived when she decided that she no longer needed the Mask of Anxiety, Pain and Suffering...There was no need to be anxious anymore. Because she learned to love herself as she was. She was loved in such a deep way that all her mental and heart wounds vanished...Yes....They did...
And it was The Beloved...The one Giver of Life that poured out Infinite Love into all the cracks of her heart. The mask of anxiety fell to the ground at that very moment when she realized her worth, her value, her place in the Universal Puzzle...
She knew instantly that if she wants to live and create, the mask of anxiety must go. Her Soul told her that it was not meant to be this way...For decades it was what kept her safe.
The wounds of the heart and the scars of the mind can heal. She knew that all is possible and yet it took her almost five decades to find her center...
She had to Re-Enter her Story and Excavate what matters...
As the Mask of Anxiety was put to rest, what matters was unearthed from the sands of time. Her poetry emerged. Her life was redefined and strengths she didn't know she was showed up...
Unease and unrest was replaced with Peace of Mind.
Her True Self was awakened...
She became a Woman on a Mission...
Now she must tell others about what she excavated from under the ruins of the past...
Because where there is ruin, there is also treasure...
She must tell others about the Illusion of Insignificance...
The Mask of Insignificance must be washed away from the beautiful faces of so many amazing Souls ready to shine their Bright Light...
She must tell others who still suffer how important and Significant they are...
She must tell them that they matter...
That poetry heals the Silence of what hurts...
Life is precious...Life matters...
Suffering of the mind and heart is not a friend...
It is a heavy mask that has no use anymore...
To make a contribution it is imperative to create from a place of inner peace and forgiveness for the self and others...
Until she realized that there is nothing to forgive...
Just to integrate...
It all happens in steps...It all happens by unearthing layer by layer of conditioning...Layer by layer of perceived truth...
Until she arrives at the Core...The Center of who she is...The Center of who she was meant to be...
And that woman was me...
And that woman is YOU...
YOU...Free....Embracing Your Significance...
Knowing that YOU MATTER...
Without any mask hiding your true beauty...
I am waiting for you on the other side of pain...
Take the leap...Take a chance...
Jump...With all you've got...
Take that mask and throw it away as far as you can...
Together, we can heal ourselves and the Wound of the World...
Because YOU are a Woman on a Mission... 
Unearth Yourself,
~Corina Luna Dea~
Sharing with you from my fan page Archaeology for the Soul

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


“When we heal ourselves, others are healed. When we nurture our dreams, we give birth to the dreams of humankind. When we walk as loving aspects of the Earth Mother, we become the fertile, life-giving Mothers of the Creative Force.'
“When we honor our bodies, our health, and our emotional needs, we make space for our dreams to come into being. When we speak the truth from our healed hearts, we allow life abundant to continue on our Mother Planet.
“As women, we are continually writing the history of the Legacy of Women. We cannot point a finger at men or each other without owning the pain of past generations who forgot how to give or teach human compassion.
“Our own family trees are filled with teaching situations and with tragic examples that may have blinded our own Ancestors to the values of truth as it is found in love. Now, the destiny of wholeness of the human race falls to the Sisterhood because all things are born of woman.
“When each woman honors her Self, more raw, creative energy is available to be used by the whole to effect changes in the way humankind reacts to life.
“When women are no longer lost, asking others to tell them what they should do or how they should live, there will be great changes in our world. This is not to say that the friendships and bonds of women are not to be used; on the contrary, the support of other women who have walked the same path is paramount.
“This kind of support is based on truth and delivered with caring-without projections or judging another. That kind of support is healthy and productive, when other women create a safe place in which to share personal thoughts and offer alternatives in a respectful way. The sisterhood always supports every woman who is willing to surmount her own challenges in order to grow.
“The Legacy of Woman does not have to include the former hurts that have set woman against woman, women against men, or caused women to destroy themselves through sabotage. There is no need to get involved with the high drama and pettiness that has kept us from achieving human harmony when we are busy working on becoming our personal visions.
“Self-esteem is reclaimed when the feminine principle of nurturing the Self is practiced, instead of expecting our sense of wholeness to come from our relationship to another person.
When we care enough for ourselves to take the time we need to give to the Self, we will feel complete.
“In every instance, no matter how the situation presents itself, each individual is responsible for seeing her or his own hurt and for finding a way to heal it without making the other person responsible for that pain.
“This is the way of the feminine nurturing principle: going within, finding the problem, and remedying it through nurturing the self.”
~Jami Sams from her book The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Your heart has been through a lot. It has been through the highs and lows of life which is why you know the good and bad sides of people. Yet your heart is still strong and beats with the love of the whole world. Share what is in your heart and show everyone what you have kept hidden inside of you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I like this description it sounds a lot like me.
Sagittarian women are emotional wizards. They are highly sensitive and have a deep understanding of emotions (both theirs as well as that of others). They are empaths and they can easily put themselves in your shoes to understand your thoughts like it were theirs. They, however, allow only a few people to see their true emotions as they guard their own thoughts with ferocity. Since not everyone can understand the depths of their thoughts, they prefer keeping it to themselves but if they let you in, understand that you are special.


the door that is closed,
is me-
I seal the way,
to path,
to choice,
to living,
closed in my own sheltering-
it prevents me,
from entering-
through to the other side,
of me.
I am the void,
that speaks of unspeakable doom-
fear that is like,
a weight to my feet-
unable to move,
I release it to-
my soul’s choice,
feet reach high-
to jump across,
my uncertain sky-
leaping into my movement.
I am my doubt,
I create this space-
in my mind,
trying to figure it all out-
let the lessons come,
let the living come,
to serve the best of me-
if I step,
out of my way-
to find the one,
who is always here-
waiting for me to choose…
to live,
to dance,
to breathe.
Author Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg ©
Heart's Calling

Monday, March 5, 2018

Love yourself now

your time has come
listen to the voice
of your heart whisper
love yourself now
love yourself fiercely
with mystery
with calling
with power
you do not know yet
what you are to become
giving to yourself
giving to the world. ❤️
Author Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg ©

Sunday, February 4, 2018


" today i wish you: have faith in the impossible, believe in love above all, feed the soul with doses of hope, attract all positivity and be immensely happy!!"
(Vanessa Haas)

Saturday, February 3, 2018


woman who unfolds
from uneasy
from the restlessness that
cracks the earth of me
from these places 
comes the pouring
of me
like holy water
upon the wounds of humanity
you say my tears are
weak and selfish
but they are deliberate
and wise
but most of all compassionate
my heart is burdened with
the weight of life
I do not strategize how to
move around it
under or over it
even in my fear
I move through it
soiled feet from the path's bleeding
I holds the earth's ache
with wanting and hope
even when silenced by the
violent cackling of those
that watch my movement
they do not know
the she cry of
my power
what makes me climb
even when it all
wants to crumble away
what makes me stand
on the groundlessness
of my living
I rest on the edge of my breaking
only to become the wise one
within me
shining brightly
with my true power
which is love.
Author Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg ©
Heart's Calling

Memory Poem~

when I take my mind,
to my soul’s eye-
see my life,
in the simple measures-
of being,
far from the complexities-
my mind creates for me,
if the choices that rise-
with my waking speak,
breath to prayer-
prayer to mantra,
mantra to truth-
what strengthens me,
to hold close to my-
life’s purpose,
not listening to the naysayers,
when I see the signs-
without letting judgment appear,
when I take the wise way-
into my heart,
surrendering it all,
even when uncertain comes,
trying to steer me clear-
from my quest path,
what comes to my heart,
the opening to my soul’s work-
some things are clear and sure,
some things unknown and dark,
the ease of my steps,
when courage comes-
toe to toe-
with the storm that approaches,
it touching my breath,
I see the sun gleaming,
behind it all.
walk through dear one,
love that abides-
that is inside,
protects you-
you are the voice,
that cries, whispers, weeps, shouts,
and sings-
I often begin with nothing,
sometimes everything,
it all spiraling and winding-
to touch the path-
I am meant to meet.

Author Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg © Heart's Calling

Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.