Sunday, March 15, 2009

Deep in the woods

Deep within I walk,
Deep within I see,
Deep in the woods I see.
Deeper I walk,
Deeper I go, beings of light all around.
Deep within death I see.
Deep in the woods I go.,
Deeper I see more life. More death.
Deep I go, So deep in the woods I go.
Deep the magic is, Deep the secrets are,
Deep I go into the woods,
So deep, So vast these wood's are,
Deeper I go, Deeper and Deeper,
Deeper I see what once was a tree,
Not decay not death. Deep I go, So deep it's life,
Deep with in this tree is life, vast life
Deep many beings at work.
Deep within creating new life,
Deep they go.
Deeper I must go,
So deep,
So wonderful this is.
These woods of light.

Find your inner peace in your woods.

Love and peace

Jason Elder

Walking around Town


This is the Church view on the street that we lived on in Recz.......cobble stone streets and row housing as typical in European small towns, Henry remembers rubble across the road from where we lived....and where he loved to climb I think he the background you can see the bit of castle left over .......I got the impression it hasn't change all that much since we is a bit slower here......

I Thought ...My sister Donna and I often spoke of how lucky we where to have come to Canada and I agreed with her then , but now I found it a quaint place with cousins who seem happy with where they are........

Our Street in Recz

The factory at Recz

The road to Recz

Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.