Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Tree's

It's funny how the Christmas trees are getting smaller as my boys now Men have gotten taller.
When they where little boys the trees reached the ceiling and they where cut fresh and the smell of the fresh balsam or at times pine tree was fantastic.
I have examples of some of the smaller ones which for the most part are not real.
The last real tree I decorated Joe and I found this poor Charlie Brown looking tree in the ditch and decided it should live it's last year all pretty and grand. I'll keep looking for the picture..

I love Christmas it's my favourite time of year with the lights all glowing, baking goodies, company....

Christmas Past

My Mom and I 1963 the year we came to Canada

Joseph and Jason

From left to right; me, Henry, Donna, Gena

Wishing All

Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.