Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Love and Light

"When you live in love and light, you will not go unseen; ignite the world with every flame of your being."
- Alexandra Elle
Silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation.
~ Rumi


Express yourself completely,
Then keep quiet.
Be like the forces of nature;
When it blows, there is only wind;
When it rains, there is only rain;
When the clouds pass, the sun shines through.
If you open yourself to the Tao,
You are at one with the Tao
And you can embody it completely.
If you open yourself to insight,
You are at one with insight
And you can use it completely.
If you open yourself to loss,
You are one with loss
And you can accept it completely.
Open yourself to the Tao,
Then trust your natural responses;
And everything will fall into place.
~ Lao Tzu

Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.