Monday, March 9, 2009

Gone with the Wind

At 14 Olga had to be strong for her mother for her niece and nephew they lost their parents too. she would have to be the responsible one...

I thought; maybe she is like Scarlett O'Hara from
Gone with the Wind, put the pain deep down where
no one can see it unless you show them......

I thought.... the survivors of horrible acts of brutality do they fill their thoughts with other activities to keep the pain hidden...when we are faced with fear .....
how do we handle it?...
the situation
to face death and destruction and then move on ......
new location.... new situations..... new life
new pain......

I haven't talked to Olga in a few days ever since I called her last week....she said she would call the next day to tell me more......

I'm having a hard time writing what she has told me....still waiting for some quiet time to try out the dictation program....I will ask her if she wants all the details told or is enough of the details....Joseph tell the story the way she wants it told......

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Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.