Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dating Symon Sez

1 - Laughing is essential.
2 - Perfection is impossible. Just make the most of everything that comes along our way.
3 - Better to be single than to be in a bad relationship. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

4 – If you have ANY doubt in your mind about a person’s character, leave him (or her) alone.
5 - Get involved with someone you are proud to be with.
6 - A real healthy relationship requires two people. One person can end it – but it takes two make it work.

7 - If it's worth it, I'll work for it; if it's not, I won't. (An "actions speak louder than words" thing)
8 - Don't say anything you'll regret because you can't take it back. (and really who would want to? I do not regret anything I have ever said or done).
9 - If you don’t love yourself.... You can’t love anyone else.(Gives looking in the mirror a whole new meaning).

10 - You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.
11 – Learn to forgive but know when to draw the line. (Time heals all wounds, all depends how badly you have been hurt that determines duration, or the other person is just not worth your forgiveness).
12 - Never consider going back, when its done its done, remember why you left in the first place, even if it was a mistake. (This is where the mind has to be stronger than the heart unless you really loved that person and you want to give them one more chance).

13. Say what you mean and mean what you say ... don't make false promises or give false hope.
14. Be truthful, honest and dedicated to your partner.
15. If your relationship is like "sand in your hand" it wont last, feels good when you have it there but it slowly slips away.

16. Actions always speak louder than words, things are said but its what you do that counts.
17. Be patient, as "they" say "Patience is a virtue" sometimes the good things take time to get.
18. Makes sure expectations of you and your (potential) partner are very clear to each other, one of the biggest reasons for a relationship failing is mis or non communication of what you expect from the other person. (And its OK to have expectations).

19. Communication is the key ~ make sure the other person UNDERSTANDS what you are trying to communicate.
20. If you love someone, do it unconditionally, a truly open heart would not place conditions on any relationship... hard to do but really that is true love. that is not to say that you allow a person to take advantage, you do have to draw the line .. and only you know where that is.

21. Be Humble, accept that you can be wrong and be willing to say "sorry"
22. Be accommodating ~ sometimes we have to change what we do to please others, however do not forsake your core values, if you do you will be unhappy (Part of unconditional love).

23. Keep family and friends close.
24. Variety is the spice of life ... Keep things interesting and fun no matter what you do .. and do it together if possible.
25. Finally, you must expose yourself emotionally, take risks, it's the only way to reap love's greatest rewards.

By Symon Sez

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Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.