Thursday, January 15, 2015

Once Again

what takes me away from life,
from living for the giving-
what presses so hard,
against my existence-
when I want to forge through,
to push back with exact measure-
and loving motivation.
what motivates me,
to bring in the mighty of me-
to come full charge against-
what holds me back,
and say “no more!”
to take the strength that resides,
in me-
let it build up inside,
of me-
living life as it should be,
with vision,
passion that fuels-
the flames of my fire,
reaching ever so higher-
past complacency-
that settles for empty.
fill the well of my soul,
water of life-
onto me, onto you, onto the world.
one step,
here I come-
for life has just begun,
yes again-
as it ends,
it begins-
once again.
Author Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg ©

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Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.