Monday, October 12, 2015


There's a hole in my heart,
hollowed out by disbelief-
love so bold & vibrant,
now gone-
it sits empty & cold,
shaking in bewilderment-
wondering how it became,
so open & lost-
But I see its hollowness,
being replace by hope-
love's Light has flood it with purpose,
For pain may have ripped-
into my day,
cover my eyes-
with pools of tears,
that have swelled up and dropped upon my moments with sorrow.
little by little,
I will begin-
to be truly whole again,
breathing in sweet surrender,
to a love stronger & more complete-
capturing my loneliness,
filling me with vision-
compassion overflowing,
letting peace remain now,
entering this moment-
and into the next.
Author Maureen Meshenberg

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Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.