Thursday, May 25, 2017

Super moon 2017

The Stormy Super New Moon Energy of May 25, 2017

Dear Friends, this week’s New Moon on Thursday, May 25, 2017, is a SUPERMOON! This means that, for the first time since the year 2009, it will be a new moon (not a full moon) that presents the year’s closest and largest supermoon.

A super new moon really is an amazing thing. A supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit. You won’t be seeing this moon (it’s a new moon after all), but nevertheless, it will strongly affect earthly tides and human emotions in days before and following May 25.

A New Moon signifies new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s the perfect time to turn a new leaf, set your intentions, acknowledge goals, and commit to your vision for the next 28 days. A Supermoon also signifies a time of high energy thanks to the moon being closer than ever to us.

On this Super New Moon get ready to make big and significant decisions. Things will be happening fast and out of the blue. The choices you make this week will be bringing closure and ending chapters so that new beginnings can enter your life in the next moon cycle. Emotions will run high during this Supermoon because of this extra ‘super’ energy. Remember to keep it cool.

‘The Hyades’ Stars

This particular Super New Moon will take place in a star cluster called ‘The Hyades’ situated in the Taurus constellation. The Hyades cluster is the closest star cluster to Earth, at a distance of 130 light years. This cluster is very easy to spot in the night sky because it has a compact and distinctive shape of the letter V on the face of the bull.

The Hyades were the nymphs that brought rain in Greek mythology. According to the myth, their brother Hays was killed while hunting, so they started crying from grief, which is how they brought rain down onto the earth.

This ‘stormy and bitter’ energy emanating from these stars will be passing through the Super New Moon this week, generating an implacable and rebellious type of energy that will be reaching the Earth.

Please make sure you take some time to relax and engage in quiet daily meditations throughout the week. It’s a week for keeping your emotions balanced, otherwise, things might get a bit out of control leading to sorrow and disappointments.

All of us are already going through a major transformative period, our old Self is slowly merging with our new Enlightened Self. This process of spiritual alchemy has been generating emotional frictions within and among ourselves. We are all becoming ‘Phoenixes’, we are all learning to become bright Human Beings of Light.

Because of this, please be kind and patient with yourself and with those around you during this week’s Super New Moon. Deep emotions might come up to surface in those of you who need to let go and cleanse old outdated belief systems.

This Super New Moon will also be encouraging us to review and assess the state of our mental activity and our thought processes. As we identify and release old habits, we become more available to new and inventive ways to move forward in our Soul evolution.

On Thursday, May 25, set crystal clear intentions to have a peaceful, fulfilling, and balanced life. Plant the seeds of harmony, understanding, and Divine Love so they can grow deep roots during this new 28 days cycle.

May the energy of this special New Supermoon in Taurus give you the impetus to confidently and gracefully jump full speed into your new/renewed Enlightened path.

Much Love,

Celestial Energies

Art  Tarot by Cecelia

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