Saturday, March 21, 2009

Remember Me Tree....

I planted this weeping corkscrew hazel in memory of my sister Donna after she passed away on March 22 1997, I first planted it in my flower garden by the house....but it was not doing well there so I moved it to another spot.... still the tree never really grew much, but continued to survive,

I thought just like Donna in spirit...
I end up planting it in the pot that Jason created..
I thought I better take a picture to......

"Remember Me"

(song by Deanna Edwards)
Remember me whenever you see a sunrise,
Remember me whenever you see a star,
Remember me whenever you see a rainbow
Or woods in autumn colors from afar.

Remember me whenever you see the roses
Or seagulls sailing high in a sky of blue.
Remember me whenever you see waves
Shining in the sun.
And remember, I'll be remembering you!

Remember me whenever you see a teardrop,
Or meadows still wet with the morning dew.
Remember me whenever you feel love
Growing in your heart.
And remember, I'll be remembering you!

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Happy New Year 2

​I call this Ukrainian New Year a tradition of celebrating using the Georgian calendar.