Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance
March 17th 2015
Moon in Aquarius
Today, the Goddess of Love, Venus will enter Taurus, a sign she rules along with Libra. Time to awaken to your inner Goddess/God my Dear Ones. Bless and inspire others with your grace, beauty and love. Venus will also empower us to get clear on what is of value in our lives and what no longer is. She will invite us to enjoy the delights of human senses, though keeping in mind that those being temporary, non-attachment is key. Taurus rules money and as you know money does not buy happiness...For the next couple weeks, we will have a chance to consider what truly matters to our Heart and Soul and how we use our resources and resources of Mother Gaia. Goddess knows we have a lot to do in this department as we have created an imbalance between what Mother Earth gives freely and what we collectively as a specie take from her. I would invite you to look at this balance into your life and make the adjustment necessary so you can feel you and the Earth lives in harmony.
In regards to relationships, knowing what your values are will prove to be important in the co-creation of a balanced and cooperative relationship. If you value marriage for example but you choose a partner which does not, this will likely create disharmony. Sharing values is important in relationships; there can be differences but the ones that truly matters to your Heart and Soul should be honored for the relationship to truly be fulfilling. Forget about changing the other. How many times we can think...well, he/she will change his/her mind because he/she loves me...only to find out, it is ain't going to happen. Love is about acceptance. Accept who you are, do not pretend to be what you are not; so you can also give a chance to the other to love you as you are. Project the Light of your Soul and this is what you will be reflected in the other.
Be the Goddess/God that you are, value yourself as such and settle for no less. Be an inspiration for others to awaken to their inner Divinity. Our self-image is getting a major upgrade my Dear Ones as in the Golden Aquarian Age we remember we are Divinity in human form.
The Moon Goddess in Aquarius in a sextile to Uranus (4:23am PST) and to Mars in Aries (11:18am PST) will give us that strong sense of I AM which will assist us in feeling confident that we can manifest what we truly desires, what is in alignment with the Future we envision for ourselves and humanity. Dare to ask for what your Soul truly desires, dare to be YOU, knowing that it will serve us ALL.
Mother Goddess Blessings
~ Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon, Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guide

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